Very similar issue here in regard to the whole "user level config
profile not applying" problem. We are running JAMF Pro 9.101.0, and our
clients are mostly macOS 10.12.6. My tech exchanged several emails with
support over a few weeks. Result was bas...
We are experiencing the same issue here with 10.2 devices. We are still
on JSS 9.96. I have changed the Proxy PAC URL to use HTTPS instead,
however, the Self Service app continues to display the "Cannot connect
to server" message. I tested the same c...
I am voting this up as well. We are seeing an increase number of iPads
with this issue lately. Some iPads would loop between trying to connect
and disconnect from the wifi pushed out by profile. Some would simply
just not connect. We do not broadcast...
Would you happen to have a config profile with the Restriction payload
where it restricts renaming devices? In my case, some of our devices are
stuck with the original enforced name after wipe and re-enroll with DEP.
Sending command to rename device ...
Is this an issue related to the recent 9.64 upgrade? I started noticing
clients not applying the policies changes I am pushing out and found the
same error messages in the log. I don't recall ever having this issue
since I always schedule system upda...