New to this community so please be kind. I have noticed that if i enable
File Vault i can no longer remote desktop onto that machine. I use apple
remote desktop to manage a lot of Macs, so is there a workaround?
Simple question how to i create a smart group for disk space and then i
would like to add a criteria of anything higher than 900GB The HD disk
space is 1TB Please help
in replying to @The_Black_Rose i'm having the same issue with Monterey
12.3 wanting to upgrade to 12.6 via terminal using the softwareupdate
command and it didn't work, i also got the error message
belowsoftwareupdate[17905:571877] XType:
Just tried the same thing and it worked on my mac running Mojave
10.14.6copied the missing file from the package contents as suggested
earlier and copied it to /Library/PrivilegedHelperTools. Restarted my
machine and it all came good.