is owned by Akamai, and don't do SSL data decryption at the
firewall when reaching anything at Apple.com or Akamai. You will find
MDM profiles disappearing on your macOS devices.
Make sure to have the Root and Intermediate Certificates from the other
domain in the system keychain and set them to ALWAYS TRUST manually. Do
the same in the System keychain for the Machine Certificate you get from
the CA from the other domain for ...
Delete the computer object in AD or rename the computer and try using a
IP address for a DC instead of the FQDN. If the IP trick works then make
sure DNS is setup correctly in your environment. Confirm you have a DNS
PTR setup for all DC's in the env...
Update Parallels on your Mac first then use Compose to create a .PKG of
the application. Deploy the .PKG to everyone that needs the update. Make
sure to allow the users to defer the update and create a message saying
that they need to quit Parallels ...