2 weeks ago
New Contributor III

Joined: February 2020

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Hi, i am trying to script the final step in our onboarding process, where the user is presented with a list of Locations to chose, and once selected, the script will pull the serial number and rename the machine the location-serialnumberI'm 90% sure ...
Hi Everyone, how do you get your users to Enrol in to InTune? I have all the correct apps set up, but it still requires the user to go into Self Service and click on "Register in InTune" and follow the steps, and today when the infosec team enabled c...
So I am having an issue where even though the policies are deploying correctly, on a fresh new M1 mac I am having issues where the "Allow" option to grant permission to System Extensions never appears.I tried on an Intel based mac, clean install, sam...