
Joined: November 2022

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  • 87 Posts
  • 3 Solutions
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User Activity

Hi everyone, During our testing, we've encountered an alarming issue with Jamf Protect on BYOD devices. Even though we've configured the Jamf Trust app to route only specific domains through the Jamf Protect gateway, it's logging all web activity—reg...
Hi there, Jamf App Catalog is great at patching applications. The only caveat is the method that it uses to communicate with the end-user that an update is pending. Most of our users ignore or are unaware of the notification from Jamf App Catalog whe...
Hi there, Does anyone know if Jamf App Catalog has a log that records pending updates on the local machine?
Hi there, Has anyone managed to get the end user notification payload in jamf to work? Seems all the configurations I have applied using app bundle Ids dont adjust notifications end user side at all. I still get prompted to allow notifications for th...
Hi there, We use the "Restrict the App Store" option in Jamf Pro Profile Config but this seems to not do anything to stop a user from signing in with their own Apple ID into the App Store on their MacBook. Does anyone know how to block signins to App...