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HiThe fields bar code 1 and bar code 2 in a computers inventory /
general list, can they be references from the mac? if so where is the
file that data comes
HiI would like to use self service on iPadOs to be able to change
between two configuration profiles. it always seems to fail one it. is
there a way to use selfservice todo a group move instead. or am i one
the right track already?
Hi, We have some smart groups that set target OS on Mac products, which
currently forces user above the target OS to downgrade via DFU
blaster..... our target Stable OS in ventura, but unfortunately newly
purchased macs with m3 processors will not go...
We have a requirement in our organisation to run some machines on mojave
due to software limitations.I can get a machine to enroll and it
installs the profile in systems prefs, but it doesnt download and
install self service.i have logged into jamf c...