Hello, I am reviving the topic because we have just implemented
ADSelfService Plus within our company but for the Mac part we have two
problems:- Our Macs have FileVault2 enabled and the ADSelfService Plus
button does not appear during FileVault auth...
I finally found a solution. Here is the modified script
:)networkServices=$( /usr/sbin/networksetup -listallnetworkservices |
/usr/bin/grep -v asterisk ) while IFS= read -r aService do activePort=$(
/usr/sbin/networksetup -getinfo "$aService" | /usr/...
Hello everyone,I'm new to scripting and this helpdesk script is really
great.On the other hand, I would like the Mac address to be found in
addition to the IP address when this command is used.networkServices=$(
/usr/sbin/networksetup -listallnetwork...