@AyOne wrote: Hello,I like to request a feature. We use a specific
network profile. On a device the Wi-Fi is always on and can't be turned
off. At our school a time based restriction profile is installed with a
whitelist of apps which are acessable d...
@ManagerofVibes wrote:We have a restriction on icloud and Siri for our
Mac laptops... Some users are consistently getting a message similar to-
"You do not have access for Siri permissions, contact the person who
created your computer." How can we tu...
@Kalpeshw wrote:I have installed ADCS connecter to get PKI certs on mac
devices.After everything correctly configured found that JAMF cloud is
communication was rejected by ADCS connecter server. IIS logs shows
error code 403.7 this error code genera...
@KyleEricson wrote:✨Exclusive Offer: Free Jamf Health Check for the
First 10 Registrants! ✨ Optimize your Jamf environment with a
comprehensive health check, available at no cost for the first 10
people. This free service includes:• In-depth review o...