Hey Everyone, I'd like to pop in here and just verify some information.
We definitely NEVER want to have a VPP token in more than one MDM server
at a time. If you do, it causes the MDM providers to constantly fight
over licenses. The reclaim button s...
Hey Everyone, I just wanted to pop in here and let you all know that we
have reported this to Apple early this morning. It is an intermittent
issue that we are seeing not only in the VPP Portal when searching for
apps, but also in the JSS when manual...
Hey everyone! I just wanted to chime in here and mention that deleting
directly from the database is never a good idea, unless we specifically
know what we are troubleshooting and why it needs to be done. This can
cause issues, such as null pointers,...
Hi Everyone! Just to verify, this issue has been resolved, as I have
confirmed with Apple. Please reach out to your JAMF Buddy if you are
still having issues installing Mac App Store Apps.
Hey guys! Just wanted to give an update to this issue. This has been
resolved as of 7-6-16 and you should now be able to accept VPP
Invitations on iPads. Please reach out to your JAMF Buddy if you are
still having issues accepting VPP Invitations so ...