Posted on
10:53 AM
- last edited
3 weeks ago
App distribution for Mac Store apps has been working well for the last few months. Yesterday we noticed that our iLife and iWork apps were no longer automatically installing to El Cap machines and any VPP app we have in self Service (MS Remote Desktop, Pages, Numbers, Keynote etc) get the following message and the download/install fails.Our VPP token is valid and up to date, JSS version is 9.92. Advice or experience with this? (was failing with 9.91 too)
Posted on 06-29-2016 11:09 AM
@TomDay Are you running Version 9.92.1466020067? Looks like it addressed the following:
Fixed an issue where JSS instances would sometimes crash due to a VPP app installation failing.
Posted on 06-29-2016 11:13 AM
TomDay, we started experiencing this issue as well starting on Monday. JAMF Support stated this is an issue on Apple's end and gave me an Apple Care ticket # 1163854473 to reference to. On the phone right now with Apple to confirm.
Posted on 06-29-2016 11:15 AM
@dan.snelson I should have been more specific, yes I am on 9.92.1466020067
@james179 Thanks very much, please keep me posted on what you hear, this is killing our laptop distribution for hundreds of new students.
Posted on 06-29-2016 11:44 AM
Yep we are having this issue as well. First GSX now this...
Posted on 06-29-2016 12:19 PM
Hi all. We're seeing this across multiple JSS's & multiple versions.
Please email your TAM's so they can keep you updated with the issue.
Posted on 06-29-2016 12:20 PM
Yeah I just got off with JAMF support. Looks like they might be waiting on Apple.
Posted on 06-29-2016 02:46 PM
Hey everyone,
We've currently got a ticket open with Apple about this. Looks like Device VPP for Macs, and User VPP for iPads, is down on their end.
We're encouraging all of our customers with an AppleCare agreement to contact Apple so that they can better gauge the impact. Please reference the following AppleCare ticket: 1163854473
Sorry for the inconvenience :(
Posted on 06-29-2016 04:42 PM
@matthew.mitchell Thanks for doing the legwork; AppleCare contacted.
Posted on 06-29-2016 08:18 PM
us too :(
Posted on 06-29-2016 10:19 PM
we also have the same problem
Posted on 06-30-2016 04:38 AM
Here to, any solution on this?
Posted on 06-30-2016 01:27 PM
Same issue here - always makes me feel better when its not just me ;-)
Posted on 06-30-2016 01:28 PM
I just got off the phone with AppleCare and they confirmed the details posted above based on the '4473 ticket ID, but said the root cause has not yet been identified and no ETA for a fix is available.
Posted on 07-01-2016 12:16 AM
I find it concerning that Apple seems to give less and less attention to the Enterprise side of their business.
How can this service be down for 3 days!??!?
As we have the problem as well I would also like to be updated :)
thanks for all the effort
Posted on 07-01-2016 11:39 AM
@timlarsen I agree sometimes it feels to good to know your not alone on issues like this.
The package for FCPX get all the way to the end and then fail, fun times, for our end users.
More fun explaining this to them.
Posted on 07-01-2016 01:54 PM
@TomDay Yeah i have been having the same issues here in my environment. I wanted to chime in on the thread and we have been experiencing this issue with Final Cut and other apps to.
Posted on 07-03-2016 10:14 PM
Hi Guys,
any news about Mac's VPP apps "failed to download" problem?
Posted on 07-03-2016 11:57 PM
No news from my side :( Almost a week down ......
Posted on 07-05-2016 02:12 AM
This is still broken for us at our site. Has anyone had an update from either Apple or Jamf when this will be fixed.
Posted on 07-05-2016 06:57 AM
Chiming in a "me too"
We've been seeing the same issue since ~06/22/2016. About a month ago we started deploying new Macs with device based App Assignments for Pages, Numbers, Keynote, Garageband and iMovie. The Mac App installation was working great until the day I saw this error the first time - hasn't worked since.
Emailing our TAM and Apple engineer with the ticket number.
Posted on 07-05-2016 11:03 AM
Just called Apple and referenced the ticket # 1163854473. They acknowledged the issue and said it's "likely a server-side issue." Got direct contact info and they'll follow up directly in 48 hours for status update.
Posted on 07-06-2016 02:14 AM
I only hear that Apple is working on it with high priority.. Should be fixed soon...
Have no idea what 'soon' means.....
Very disappointed in Apple for having this problem for more that a week.....
(and the lack of feedback from the ticket..)
Posted on 07-06-2016 06:44 AM
Checking in to say we are having the same issue.
Posted on 07-06-2016 08:37 AM
We are too.
Posted on 07-06-2016 12:53 PM
Hey all,
Just wanted to update those of you waiting on VPP issues: we got word that the iPad problems are fixed. The Mac problems still persist.
Posted on 07-10-2016 01:10 PM
Ditto here. I've been waiting a few days on to drop on a couple machines and was told by TAM that it is an Apple issue.
Posted on 07-11-2016 06:33 AM
Me too
Posted on 07-11-2016 02:50 PM
Glad I found this thread. I was going crazy just trying to deploy iMovie to a user.
Posted on 07-13-2016 05:06 AM
Still seems down for Mac OS X App Installs. Same error as in the original post, but working for iOS installations.
Posted on 07-13-2016 05:07 AM
latest non news from Apple received late yesterday
"Product Engineering is making every effort to address this in a timely manner. However, I am currently unable to provide a timeline as to when a fix will become available. "
Posted on 07-13-2016 07:41 AM
I asked Apple for an update. I received the following back today:
Thank you very much for your email. I can confirm our Apple Engineers are currently working on the issue reported under Case ID 1163854473. We don’t have an ETA for the fix from the Engineers, but if I hear anything I’ll let you know. Have a nice weekend ! Kind Regards, Imre EDU Support Apple Inc., on behalf of Apple Distribution International
Posted on 07-14-2016 05:20 PM
Just received the following …
Subject: [1164100726] VPP Apps "Failed to Download" Hi Dan, I appreciate your patience while we have been investigating this behavior on our side and wanted to update you with the latest status. We recently updated the iTunes Store environment and included a fix which we believe should resolve this behavior. If you have access to a system which was experiencing this issue recently and can try to install the VPP app again we would greatly appreciate your feedback on the changes. If you do test the behavior and encounter the issue again, please let me know as soon as possible and I will update our engineering team. Regards, Jeffrey S AppleCare Enterprise Customer Support Engineering
Posted on 07-15-2016 12:05 AM
I just received this response
Hello Steven, Thank you very much for providing that extra detail. I have submitted this case to our engineering team for review. While they are reviewing your case, please contact our technical team, Enterprise Support at 866-752-7753. They may have additional troubleshooting steps or a workaround for this issue. I will reach back out to you after our engineers have reviewed this issue. Please let me know if you have any questions or need further assistance. I'm happy to help. Case 1169478787 Best regards, Elliot Apple Inc.
Posted on 07-15-2016 06:47 AM
Just confirming that this issue is resolved for me. We did have to delete the old containers of the failed downloads and then restart. After these steps, Apps pushed quickly and seamlessly.
Also, kudos to Apple Enterprise support for assigning a skilled rep who was consistently following up on this issue.
Posted on 07-15-2016 06:56 AM
I can also confirm that the issue seems to be fixed from testing today. Hopefully it won't happen again soon.
Posted on 07-15-2016 07:00 AM
Hi Everyone! Just to verify, this issue has been resolved, as I have confirmed with Apple. Please reach out to your JAMF Buddy if you are still having issues installing Mac App Store Apps.
Posted on 07-15-2016 08:22 AM
We did have to delete the old containers of the failed downloads and then restart.
Can you give a tip on how you did this?
Posted on 07-15-2016 11:11 AM
@andykang I simply deleted the incomplete downloads that were inn the /Applications folder. VPP continued to fail until we deleted these containers.
Posted on 07-15-2016 11:21 AM
As @sclark mentioned, on our test devices that had multiple failed apps, we ran the command below. Not sure if anything else needs to be removed, but this seemed to resolve the issue for us.
rm -R /var/folders/*/*/*/*