New Contributor III

Joined: October 2020

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  • 22 Posts
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I have a four computers which don't regularly checkin. It's my understanding, this is done by the Jamf binary, and is scheduled by /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.jamfsoftware.task.1.plistHowever, I have a bit of a struggle to go from there. The only comp...
When a user with a managed iPad starts Self Service, the app complaints it should be linked to a Jamf Pro-server. And you can't do anything with the app. See screenshot (Dutch localization):Self service: not linked to Jamf Pro (iPad screenshot)This i...
Our Jamf Pro managed iPads are setup to only have Jamf Self Service deployed, not the app store.The Jamf Self Service-app had the setting "Allow users to remove app (iOS 14 or later)" enabled, and some user removed the app. Is it possible to redepoy ...
I have a computer that is already in use, which just won't register correctly in Jamf. It's registered in DEP and assigned to Jamf Pro. In Jamf Pro, the serial number doesn't show up in device search. When I trigger the re-enrollement with the user (...
I started using the new API. For now I'm using basic authentication (with my personal acount) with /v1/auth/token to get a Bearer token. Works like a charm.However, I really want a seperate account, because the scripts run on a seperate VM.However, I...