New Contributor III

Joined: February 2016

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  • 21 Posts
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Anyone else having issues with Jamf Imaging? We can login to Jamf Imaging just fine, load all configurations etc but as soon we press the button to Image an error will appear telling "Unable to create invitation. Check to make sure you have permissio...
Maybe I'm just missing something but I don't seem to be able to build a new "working" NetBoot 10.13.2 or 10.13.3. I used AutoDMG in latest flavour and build the a HFS - OS.DMG works like a charm as usual I then build a new NetBoot based on macOS 10.1...
Hi folks, I'm trying to remove certain items such as the entire section Device & Shared from the Finder Sidebar. just like in screenshot attached.. Anything I found so far using a DMG with "FUT/FEU's" options, or even MCX or plist editing seems not t...
I'm just testing the Jamf Pro 10 release in the lab and encounter a problem when deleting multiple computers @ once. to make things a little more visible I enabled SQL statement logging on JSS. I intend to delete 10 machines @ once by clicking Action...
Hope someone can help.. maybe it is working as designed or maybe I did something wrong.. Hope someone can help me out.. I intended to grant our users access to the Jamf Pro console by adding AD User Groups. Now, we have different domains like