This is a bash script I deploy from Jamf to mount DFS shares #!/bin/sh #
Get current logged in usercurUser="$(stat -f"%Su" /dev/console)" # Mount
the drive mount_script=`/usr/bin/osascript > /dev/null << EOTdelay 5tell
application "Finder"mount volum...
Just keep in mind, if you do encounter mac that has some sort of
malware/virus. You can't force Jamf Protect to scan since it has no
scanning feature so you will have to rely on another 3rd party AV
software to that.
Just like any other AV out there, it's never going to be 100% secure. I
have yet to encounter any malware/virus that has circumvented the Mac's
built-in security. Plus the benefit of Jamf Protect, it uses little
system resources since it uses the Mac...
Hi MattTHL, unlike traditional AV, Jamf Protect is basically an EDR
(Endpoint Detection & Response) that leverages the Mac's built-in
security (Gatekeeper, XProtect, MRT, etc) to handle all the AV/Malware
detection and reports it back to Jamf Protect...