New Contributor III

Joined: December 2015

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  • 33 Posts
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User Activity

Hi all, Am I missing something with in-house app deployments? We have a valid Apple Developers Enterprise certificate, a valid Provisioning Profile both packaged within the IPA and it is uploaded to a web server with the required access. However when...
Morning Jamf Nation, A developer has provided an app for our organisation that is an update from a current App Store version. I'm looking to install the new version as an In-House app instead of the current VPP App Store deployment - is there a way o...
Hey everyone! I'm currently trying to streamline the DEP process for our business as we look to enroll devices worldwide. Up until recently we have been buying all of our devices from the same vendor in the UK and manually assigning them to different...
Hi Jamf Nation! I've got a weird issue with an app that has been developed for us. It installs no problem through configurator, but if I upload the .ipa file to our JSS and scope to the same device, I get a "could not be downloaded at this time" erro...
Hi there, We have a few kiosk iPads in retail stores that have a simple in-house app installed for entering a competition. They lock to single app mode no problem, but still auto-lock despite the "disable auto-lock" option being ticked in the JSS. Ha...
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