@jwells_Box Have you heard of outset? I think it does something similar
to what you're looking for. It allows you to run a script at boot,
login, or on demand. These scripts can run every time or just once per
account. We use it for a little dock/pre...
I'm not sure about natively, but we've used Kiosk Pro
(https://www.kioskproapp.com) that has the timeout feature, along with
some other nice configuration options.
We've got a set of steps that seems to get it working again. I haven't
tried messing with the steps yet, so the first two may or may not be
necessary, but we've done them every time. sudo jamf removeFramework Run
quickadd. In our experience, the inst...
Just thinking out loud, but maybe you could use a dummy receipt as a
smart group trigger. It'd be something like: Have your policy run a
command like touch /Library/Application
Support/JAMF/Receipts/PhotoshopRequest.pkg and then update the
I can't take credit for coming up with this, but I've used it
successfully in the past to convert the hex to a jpeg: dscl . -read
/Users/username JPEGPhoto | tail -1 | xxd -r -p >