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Joined: July 2015

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Trying to get the latest Apple Silicon Adobe installer to work. Anyone done it very recently successfully?I used to use this:
Hello,I am working on a script to create a (standard) account. As tha machines have 10.14 I am using the sysadminctrl command (found the info in other threads here on JamfNation). The account is created, but every time I do to login to the newly crea...
Just upgraded to 9.96. Now when my session expires, instead of just bouncing me back to the login screen it pops up a dialog box to inform me that my session was expired (something I found to be completely clear by being back at the log in screen). I...
Situation: trying to set up a self service policy for iBooks Author. Created a policy in the JSS (version is 9.81 - hardware is a mid 2012 Macbook pro running 10.10.5) to make iBooks Author available in self service (free from the app store, but it t...
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