Adobe Install (again)

New Contributor

Trying to get the latest Apple Silicon Adobe installer to work. Anyone done it very recently successfully?

I used to use this:

But the most recently downloaded version downloads a pkg (that JAMF School won't accept.  So I tried compressing the pkg per this:

And that didn't work. 

I also tried putting the new pkg inside a folder and using composer and the procedure from the first link and that didn't work either.

Anyone have something that does?


New Contributor II


My suggestion would be to try using Installamator for it.It's not as easy as normal on Jamf School but it will still get you there with a little work. Here is the wiki from github. I have been using it for my installs and haven't had an issue. You can also make your own labels for any software not already being supported. Installomator Jnuc 2022. 

New Contributor

OK, to share what I've learned. I see why no one else is having this issue anymore.  Jamf School now has a feature called App Installers that has a list of preloaded apps you can install directly including Adobe Creative Cloud and most (possibly all) of the Adobe suite.  I just tested it and so far so good.  Here's some info:


The list of apps is long but still limited so I also intend to look into Installomator per odnlinx below