User Activity
We have been doing some testing creating a new policy but the Icon did
not show up in self service. Checked all of the settings. Finally I just
left everything alone for 24 hours. This morning the Icon was there but
I tested it before the client avai...
We have switched from device licensing to user licensing. We have Jamf
10.4. Last year , I created a package and I think I dragged and drop it
to casper admin. Do I need to upgrade to 10.7 . Are there compatibility
issues with 64 bit apps.We are not ...
Does the simple command line account removal work for this or is it in a
special location? There was a script for this but I can no longer find
it in the knowledge base.
I admit my linux is rusty at best.I was able to set up the file
distribution on Ubuntu with no problem following the commands in the
knowledge base.But with RHEL 7 a bit more difficult.I then went through
the examples for RH support and was able to c...
I admit my linux is rusty at best.I was able to set up the file
distribution on Ubuntu with no problem following the commands in the
knowledge base.But with RHEL 7 a bit more difficult.I then went through
the examples for RH support and was able to c...