New Contributor III

Joined: January 2021

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  • 31 Posts
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Hi,I'm trying to push a mobile app to iOS which has been user initiated as a user enrollment but I get a The MDM request is invalid error. Any ideas what's going on? Thanks,
Hi,Whats the best way to deploy or force that macOS updates get installed on all the macs? At present I've setup a policy which has the software update payload activated and with a user interaction message allowing the users to defer up 72 hours. Thi...
Hi everyone,I've followed this guide: And i'm signing my configuration profile with this command:/usr/bin/security cms -S -N ...
Hi,i've got JamfConnect working with Azure AD and I can deploy this manually to my users. No problems. If I add the configuration policies and install the package at prestage the Mac gets to the standard MacOs user creation screen and then times out....
Hi,Just wondering what's the best practice to deploy MacOS apps to devices? Is it better if the app exists in the AppStore to deploy it that way or to download the app from the developers site and install it as a pkg via a policy? Thanks,
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