Hi, Was wondering if there is a way to prevent same simultaneous login
of the same user account to many machines. It used to be there in OD.
Can this be done in AD with mobile homes? How are others doing this?
Hi All, Wanted to know if its possible to restrict login for specific AD
groups using profiles. Was wondering how others are doing this. I have
tried the login window payload -> Access but this only works on a per
users and not per group. It is rathe...
Is there a way to turn OFF parental controls using a command line. The
target client is on Yosemite. I need to be able to find a way to disable
that checkmark under SYstemPreferences -> Accounts -> user
Does anyone know how to disable Force Touch and Look up & detectors on
the new retina MacBooks using profiles. I have played around a bit of it
and I found out that it uses a plist called
com.apple.AppleMultiTouchTrackpad.plist under the user's libra...
Wanted to know if anyone here is managing Flip4Mac I wanted to enforce
these Flip4Mac browser plug-in settings under System Preferences ->
Flip4Mac on all 10.9.5 clients we support- enable "Launch Flip Player"-
enable "Always show movie controller" I...
Hi, Sorry to resurrect this thread again. I am as well looking to
restrict logon for specific groups in AD on all or our iMacs. We don't
have a >1000 users but will be getting there in a few times. Does
com.apple.loginwindow works for this? and what ...