New Contributor III

Joined: April 2012

User Statistics

  • 19 Posts
  • 1 Solutions
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User Activity

Hi all, I'm back again with another question on how to implement some settings from the CIS Benchmark. We are stuck on requiring an administrator password to access system-wide preferences. I've been doing some research on the issue and I've been hit...
Hi all! We are looking for a way to reduce the sudo timeout period as recommended by the Center for Internet Security. The only solution we can find online is to manually edit with visudo and add: Defaults timestamp_timeout=0 However, we were hoping ...
Hello! Long time lurker, first time poster. I've been reading up on AutoDMG and it seems like a pretty neat tool and is something I would love to leverage in our environment. I have created a 10.9.2 dmg, uploaded it to Casper Admin and have successfu...