Hello everyone.We got a customer who ran ‘eicar’ test on his Mac and
found that Jamf Protect doesn’t actually flag it up at all.How can we
put such a detection in place for that ?Thanks
Hi ThijsX,The problem is resolved. It was a question of update. We
remove the computer from the scope the put it back and it works. Another
problem was also that our customer tried to open the document, not run
it.Thanks for your advize.Franck
Thanks ThijsX for the answer.It took some time but we finally have the
answers : all requirements are endorsed.The customer made another test
and was able to open the eicar file without any blockage or
alert.Additionally, no log was sent to Splunk.Th...
Hi @pandrum,In my company we differentiate computers by Geo. We got
three (Asia-Pacific, Americas and Europe). For each Geo, we got a site.
And computers are enrolled in the Geo (site) the user belongs to.This
permits us to have worldwide policies (m...
Hello,Another possibility could be to have different sites for different
usage. One for staff and another one for students.In that way you can
have policies that apply to all sites and policies which apply only to
one site or another.