Jamf connect not working correct?

New Contributor

I'm currently testing out a Jamf Now (Fundamentals) deployment for a couple of Macs we have. I haven't used Jamf before so not too sure how Jamf connect should work, but have a feeling mines not correct.

I have setup the setting "Enable password sync with Jamf Connect" and done the setup in Azure for it. When a user first logs on it asks to type in both password (microsoft & then local password) so it could sync.

Then we changed the password in Microsoft to see if it worked but on the macbook we have to login with the old local password and then in Jamf connect enter the email and the new microsoft password and it says they are out of sync and input the local password.

I assume this should be a bit easier as its not exactly syncing the passwords currently?


Esteemed Contributor

This does depend a bit on how exactly you have FileVault Setup. FileVault will only update its password when the user logs in to the JAMF Connect Menu Bar with the new password.

  • MacOS still uses a local password, and JAMF Connect needs the old password to unlock the keychain to allow the passwords to be synced. JAMF Connect cannot change the behavior of macOS in using a local password to secure the keychain.


JAMF Connect is the best to at what it does. The problem is Apple does not want the keychain to be updated externally to the Mac, and only wants the users local password to be able to unlock the keychain. I have found the best selling point for JAMF Connect is being able to create accounts based on IDP credentials and enable MFA to login to macOS. As far as syncing passwords, JAMF Connect is no better than most of the other tools out there because the problem is Apple.