10.14.5 Not Allowed?

New Contributor

Hello mates,

New to JAMFPro, just was wondering, I'm getting a "Your Mac is running the latest software update allowed by your administrator - macOS Mojave 10.14.4" message in Software Update, But I can't see any policies or config profiles that would prevent that. How can I push the option at least to upgrade to 10.14.5 through Software Update? Thanks in advance mates!


Contributor II

I am having the exact same problem. I am trying to run Apple Security Updates via a Software Updates using a Software Update Server and it runs but it does not upgrade to macOS Mojave 10.14.5. It stays whatever version of macOS Mojave was at.

Valued Contributor

If you have a restrictions profile in place, check that you're not deferring OS updates under Restrictions>Functionality.


Ironically, while I had this set to Defer for 0 Days, it still wouldn't update. Had to Un-Check Software updates and Major software updates to make this allow user, local updates

This was the problem, right here. Thanks bunches!

New Contributor

Thanks @sshort ! But weirdly, it set to defer for 7 Days. 10.14.5 was released 10 days ago on the 13th.

Contributor III

When clicking Advanced from the Software Update in Sys Preferences.. Are all the boxes checked?

Contributor II

I have same exact problem. I am deferring it for 45 days. Did you ever figure this out?

Contributor II

this was the solution, changing this value to be shorter has allowed the machine to keep running 11.0.1