9.81 Installation Reports - Gotchas ?

Contributor II

I'm very interested to hear how 9.81 works for people. I'm still at 9.73. I didn't move to 9.8 as it looked like there were a few problems. Hoping that is all resolved in 9.81.

Do the Self Service issues of 9.8 seem to be worked out ?


Valued Contributor II


I'd agree with the reaching out to your TAM for this one, because the defect that is open and the one that was previously closed (D-009659) were new with 9.8 and appeared to be a timing issue related to the binary move vs. policies trying to run before the computer checked in to get the new, upgraded binary, so if you had machines lose JSS connectivity when upgrading to 9.65 (which did not have a binary location move), it likely had a different root cause.

Your TAM probably knows your environment much better than I do, so they'll be the best resource to go over everything and determine if you'll be at risk for seeing the behavior.

Amanda Wulff
JAMF Software Support

Valued Contributor

We're in the same boat as @CasperSally and have held off until confirmation of resolution. 9.73 is ok for now. We're not trying to push the bleeding edge since school only started 4 weeks ago.

Valued Contributor II

Bumping this looking for any other folks input out there not mentioned to look out for. Testing now, but want other's (additional) take.

Valued Contributor II

We upgraded and our clients are 90% upgraded so far. I'm hoping the remaining 10% just haven't been powered on yet. I did have a 9.81 casper imaging 'bless' issue with multiple partitions. If you have this issue, search JAMFNation for my name and you should come across the fix.

New Contributor

The upgrade on our 2008R2 server was easy BUT since the upgrade our distro point server cannot be mounted to machines. It's also a windows server with an SMB share. Can manually mount it to machines but anything from Self Service or policy pushed is failing. Trying to work out if it's a coincidence. Any suggestions or should I get on the horn to Jamf Support?
Thanks, Matt

Valued Contributor III

The only thing I can suggest is if you have a "workgroup" configured for the SMB shares, try removing it and leaving it blank. We ran into that issue with an earlier JSS version this year and that resolved it.

That said, I upgraded from 9.63 to 9.81 on Saturday. Most of our clients have updated and I am not aware of any issues. The server upgrade went smoothly and I only had to update the Casper Imaging app on our boot media, it was dying partway through the adobeinstall process when installing packages on reboot.

Contributor III

I just upgraded to 9.81 from 9.61 and we noticed a problem with our iOS PreStages. We have a PreStage for each of our schools and all the iOS PreStages that were using the "List of Names" option for naming were deleted after the upgrade. If I re-populate the list, it'll stick for awhile and the JSS will name some, but it'll eventually delete itself again. Anyone else seen this behavior? I already submitted a support request, just curious if someone else already found a fix.

Valued Contributor II

Yes, we've seen a few machine lose their connection to the JSS as per @CasperSally 's question. It was further complicated by a very recent change in our SSL certificate and trust. We've captured those units and re-enrolled them without issue.

New Contributor III

We have a really bad problem upgrading from 9.73 to 9.81.
Luckily the JSS is running within a VM - so I can just rollback the snapshot.

Anyway, if I upgrade i seem to loose all devices, which would mean quiet a lot work to fix it.
After Upgrade I get the following error running recon:

sudo jamf recon


There was an error.

Device Signature Error - A valid device signature is required to perform the action.

Did anyone have the same error AND has a suitable Solution for it (Sneaker Management isn't suitable!)?

I already opened a Ticket, just if anyone asks :)
Also tried the solutions which were suggested and failed again (changing the ciphers, checking the cert)

Thank you SnapShot you saved my Ass ;)