Adobe CS 3 with Volume License

New Contributor

Hello all, we have purchased a volume license for Adobe CS Master Suite.
I have read through the archives on packaging Adobe CS 3, and am getting
the error "Licensing for this product has stopped working" when starting
any Adobe Creative Suite 3 application. It appears most of the
information on this list refers to using a Design Premium or Design
Standard serial number, so the work arounds and fixes suggested are not

I am wondering if anyone has successfully used Composer to create an
Adobe CS 3 package using a volume license code. Thanks in advance.

Tim Nicometo
Mayo Clinic
(507) 255-3034


New Contributor

I have created a package using composer but I can tell you that it is not
worth it. My advice is to wait for Casper 5.1 which will include CS3
deployment. It's due out soon.

Release Candidate Programs Tester

Casper 5.1 will change a lot of this. I'm not sure if any of the docs are out yet, but it was a major piece at the Casper User Group Meeting. In 5.1, you make a DMG of the CD and then Casper Admin splits out the pieces to install as needed and keeps all the licensing straight, etc.

If you can wait, it looks like this update may help you a lot.
