Adobe Illustrator CC 2015.3 and how I stopped trusting the Finder and Adobe

Contributor III

I just had a bit of a hiccup in my CC2015 deployment when I was rewriting some scripts and dmg's. I noticed that I had a double in my illustrator folder, and the stock joboptions weren't being deleted according to my script:
So it looks like the Finder is displaying some metadata from the .App bundle, but the actual name is still Adobe Hey next time put in a unicode ™ or ® and lets keep things interesting!
Photoshop changed the name and application name:

And Indesign is the same as last version, no extra points. Just a warning to everyone: assume nothing where adobe is concerned!


Valued Contributor

You can extend this to Microsoft too... For example, MS Word shows 15.27 as version in Finder, but the version listed in the JSS is 15.27.16101000. It took some time to figure out why my smart groups for versioning stopped working suddenly. This was before patch reporting came in :)

Contributor III

There is a bug where the JSS is not checking the right value in the application info.plist.

It should check CFBundleShortVersionString but it is actually checking CFBundleVersion. Per Apple's guidelines CFBundleVersion should be build-version-number and CFBundleShortVersionString should be release-version-number. Many (most) developers set these values the same in the release versions of their applications but there is nothing inherently wrong with the way MS and others are using these values. Raise the issue with your TAM so theres more heat on it. I believe this broke in 9.92.

In the interim, as you've learned, I triple check my smart groups when looking at app versions :)