Posted on 12-06-2018 06:50 AM
Hey guys!
My tomcat SSL cert was set to expire this week and I was able to get ahold of one of our network guys to get a new wildcard cert that is being used on for several other services. I uploaded the cert, entered the password, restarted tomcat and had no issues.
However, now my prestage enrollments for iOS are not working. When I attempt to setup a new or existing iPad, I join to the WiFi, enable location services (to verify the time is correct) and get to the managed config screen. However, when I select download configuration, I immediately get the message "cancelled"
If I switch back to a built-in CA, it enrollment appears to work fine. I would really like to keep the wildcard cert so that my Jamf users don't keep getting a certificate warning.
Any ideas??
Posted on 12-07-2018 09:23 AM
Just an update in case anyone else runs into this. I forgot to delete the old self-signed certificate out of the prestage certificates payload. Once I removed it, enrollment started flowing again.