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09:53 AM
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a week ago
I can't tell if this is a Jamf Pro Cloud problem or just an Apple Business Manager problem. I've exhausted the oracle of the Googles to find some guidance so I'm turning to the real experts here at Jamf Nation...
We distribute a lot of our mission critical apps via Jamf Self Service from the Mac App Store. Microsoft Word, Excel, Outlook, Apple's Numbers, Pages, and so on. Just within the past week or maybe two none of the Mac App Store apps successfully download or install. Digging into this I found that when I'm in my Apple Business Manager account I cannot modify ANY app. I can't add to the quantity, add a new app, or make any changes. I get the same error each time:
This item is temporarily unavailable. Try again later
We're not having any trouble with iOS apps.
I downloaded new DEP and VPP tokens and installed those. I made sure to resolve the error about our domain not being verified. Nothing has made any difference. I was only able to find one thread on Reddit where someone describes the same issue we are having.
This wouldn't be such an urgent problem as most of our apps still have some available out of our total but the VPN app we use seems to have not correctly counted the installs (likely due to the this issue) and has used up our app count. We requested 130 and expected to use about 100 but instead we have 42 verified installs but all 130 instances are used up. I'm guessing that Jamf was counting every attempted install and not just completed installs.
Within ABM I'd sometimes get an error that the
iTunes Store is currently unavailable and unable to complete your request. Try again later.
When this happens I can't even see any of our existing apps or their counts. This is something that is repeatable so not just a temporary glitch.
Any ideas? I can't even find a way to contact Apple specifically about Apple Business Manager issues. I did call their customer support number but that seemed to be rabbit hole.
Posted on 07-10-2020 10:04 AM
@donkruse I haven't experienced the problems with app counts not matching, but my org doesn't currently do much with VPP apps. I will comment however, since you mentioned MAS version of Office, is that Microsoft doesn't really recommend that a s distribution method for Enterprise orgs due to issues upgrading:
Posted on 07-10-2020 11:06 AM
We haven't had any problems until now. Actually, for us with about 250 devices, the App Store apps have worked really well. They keep about as up-to-date as when we were trying to push out Volume licensed versions. They seem to impact the users less as they silently download without much fuss.
Posted on 07-10-2020 11:13 AM
Update: I just got off the the phone with Apple Support and Christian, in Apple Business Support, confirms that this is a known issue. Except the odd thing is I've had this issue for about 10-days and the tech said they've been aware of the issue only for 2-days.
Posted on 07-15-2020 10:17 AM
I'm having the exact same problem. Whenever I'm trying to add apps to VPP, I get the error
This item is temporarily unavailable. Try again later
Posted on 08-11-2020 09:57 AM
I left for a vacation just as Apple fixed this. I received a followup phone call from them to let me know that the Apple Business Manager issue was resolved. Everything with Mac App Store apps started working again.