Blocking apps (for Auto Update Magic et al.)

Contributor II

The starter set of apps in the script for Auto Update Magic
is quite small so I'm looking for a strategy for determining
applications that should not be running during installation.

Is there a way to dissect the installer to determine this?

Dani Roloson
University of Waterloo


New Contributor III

Yeah, generally you want to be on the side of caution. Most applications won't load all assets into memory which means there is a potential of deleting/overriding resources while an application is running if you haven't coded it to be blocked. I would recommend adding almost everything to the blocking app list and provide notifications to users when the apps are running. Not only will you have the confidence that apps will be upgraded cleanly, you'll be a little more transparent to your users as far as what IT is running on their machines.

Contributor II

If you mean I should make sure Firefox isn't running when I'm updating Firefox, I was going to do that.
It's the more obscure things like Safari shouldn't be running when Office is updating that I want to be able to determine.