Posted on 04-26-2012 12:50 PM
I am using Casper Admin 8.5.1 and when trying to Delete an item in the list, Empty Trash, and Save the item is gone. I restart Casper Admin and its back again. Ive tried multiple times with multiple items, not sure whats going on. Any ideas?
Posted on 04-26-2012 12:57 PM
Re-populate the permissions on your CasperShare.
Posted on 04-27-2012 06:17 AM
Ok, figured it out. I am running Windows Servers for the JSS, and write is not the same as modify. Giving the Read/Write user specified in the JSS File Sharing tab "Modify" access to the share allow packages to also be deleted. Before the account had rights to write the files, just not modify/delete them. MAybe I missed that in the documentation somewhere. Thanks for help.