Captive Portal Issues


I am having an issue that I think is somehow related to Safari and our proxy. We have had several reports of users traveling off-network and having issues with captive portals. The Captive Network window appears but it's blank and says: "The webpage couldn't be loaded". If I open Chrome or Firefox, and go to then the Captive Portal appears and I can do whatever I need to access the WiFi SSID. If open Safari, I am unable to get to Has anyone run across this issue? I'm assuming the Captive Network Assistant is using Safari to try to show the Captive Portal... 


Honored Contributor II

I would suggest opening a ticket with Apple. However Apple is going to tell you the issue is with the providers of the captive portals. In my experiences I have noticed Safari's website compatibility is fairly horrible among modern browsers. I do not restrict Safari but I do discourage its use.

New Contributor

Are you running Ventura by chance? I am running into the same issue on Ventura. If I deploy a Jamf configuration for our Securly SmartPAC proxy, I can't access captive portals. However, if I set up the proxy and the ssl certificate manually, it works without issue. I noticed under the Mobile Device configuration, under the Global HTTPS Proxy settings, there is an option to  "Allow bypassing proxy to access captive networks" settings that you can check. I'm wondering with Ventura's switch to a mobile settings interface, if the Computer Configurations side of the proxy configuration in Jamf needs to update this switch somehow.

Will you help me with the  Jamf configuration for Securly SmartPAC proxy and specificaly Global HTTPS Proxy

New Contributor III

You should try using instead of https

New Contributor II

I've had the same issue for a while now.  Hoping that someone has found a solution...

Contributor II

I am also having the same issue and additionally, we are also coordinating with our DLP provider DG.

New Contributor II

I'm having the same issue with the securly smart pac via jamf deployment.  The checkbox that once existed in jamf (bypass proxy for captive portals no longer exists). Obviously if i removed the smart pac / captive portal launches without any issues.  Jamf and securly both just point the finger and we are stuck.

I don't think that option ever existed in the Jamf GUI for macOS. It does still exist for iOS/iPadOS.

We dealt with this issue as well. macOS does support the 'Allow Proxy Bypass for Captive Portal Logins' profile key, it's just the Jamf GUI is missing it for whatever reason.

I suggest getting iMazing Profile Editor and building your Securly config profile with that. It does have the option for macOS. This fixed the issue for us.