Posted on 07-19-2024 04:51 AM
I'm distributing a configuration profile to users with rules for their password and I'm seeing a "Cancelled" status on some of them, about 7%. At first, I thought that it was something similar to the alternative status "Pending" and among the list of those with such a status are devices that have access to the Internet. After that, I tried to redistribute the profile again and one of the devices instantly got the "Cancelled" status, even though it doesn't have internet access at the time of getting that status.
What does it mean? is there any way i can fix this?
Posted on 07-19-2024 08:31 AM
I have seen this most often when I have pushed out a profile and then made a change to it soon after changing the scope to include new Macs. What I have done to fix it is get a list of the Macs with a cancelled status and put them into a CSV to use to add them to a static group to use to mass exclude them and then remove the exclusion. That normally gets the profile installed on those systems. There are scripts that you can use to mass add Macs to a static group but I usually use the MUT app for that. It's a very handy app for making mass changes.
Posted on 07-22-2024 02:53 AM
This may be true. I am currently solving the problem by reinstalling the profile. But it would be good to have a solution from jamf because users with the status "cancelled" are stuck and there are really no quick solutions
Posted on 10-21-2024 03:33 AM
@howie_isaacks how do you create a .csv file from the configuration profiles page where status is canceled ?
Posted on 10-21-2024 07:20 AM
First, I installed MUT on my Mac. This app helps us add a large number of Macs to a static group in Jamf Pro. I downloaded the CSV templates from the MUT app and used the comptuer template. I removed all of the columns in the comptuer template except the serial number columm since we name all of our Macs using the serial number. You may want to use the computer name column instead. In the configuration profile log, I sorted for "canceled" I then simply copied and pasted all of those entries into a new Excel spreadsheet. I copied the comptuer names from the spreadsheet and pasted them into the serial number column of my MUT computer CSV. Now that I have my CSV, I used MUT to add those comptuers to the new static group that I created to exclude from my profile. Once excluded, I remove the exclusion. This will trigger Jamf Pro to push the profile to the computers that had previously canceled the install. MUT uses the Jamf API to add the computers to the static group. After this whole process is done, you don't need the static group anymore since it was only used to allow you to exclude all the computers where the profile install was canceled.
Posted on 10-22-2024 03:29 AM
thanks I will give this a try
Posted on 11-01-2024 06:54 AM
We updated our jamf connect last night and over 240 Mac's said cancelled. I found this thread and it worked like a charm.
Posted on 09-23-2024 09:09 AM
Be sure to upvote
@howie_isaacks that's a very laborsome task to put the onus on admins. There should be built-in functionality to handle profiles that still need to be installed. If they're in scope, they belong on the device, simple as that. I do appreciate the workaround when absolutely needed though!