Posted on 09-10-2012 07:05 PM
Hi guys
I've looked through the documentation but I can't find how to do this. I can create groups and add computers to them and delete groups, but I can't for the life of me find how to remove a computer from a group. Does anyone know what the XML should look like to do this?
Sven Schott
Posted on 09-10-2012 10:11 PM
Never mind. I just figured it out. I'll hand in my geek badge at the door.
Posted on 09-26-2012 12:56 PM
Would be ideal if you'd answer your question so others that may come across this thread will benefit.
Posted on 07-08-2013 01:45 PM
In version 8.7, it appears the list of computers inside of <computers>...</computers> needs to be complete. This means that you cannot add a single computer to a static computer group by posting a XML file with just one computer entry inside the <computers>...</computers> tags.
How I tested:
The result is that the computer group only has one computer in it.