If there are multiple policies being applied by a trigger, sometimes
recon is run multiple times. Is there a way to specify, "do this stuff
and when all the other triggered stuff is done run one recon to update
the inventory on JSS?"
We upgraded to JSS v9.2 from JSS v8.73 and the app icons in my iOS Self
Service catalog are incorrect. It seems to have used a small subset of
the icons and distributed it to all the apps instead of using the
legitimate icon originally downloaded fro...
Alternate Title: "Notes On Becoming More Familiar With How JSS
Determines A Computer's Name" RESULT SUMMARY: The output of `scutil
--get ComputerName` needs to be set correctly before running `jamf
recon` in order for the Computer Name in JSS not to ...
An App Store knowledge base article (
https://jamfnation.jamfsoftware.com/article.html?id=206) says to
download an app and use composer to distribute it like other apps. Is it
possible to have Self Service direct people to the App Store to download
What do you think is the best way to trigger an install of cached
packages (i.e. ones in the "JAMF/Waiting Room" directory)? My first
solution was to create a policy that installed cached packages on
startup. I would like to do something that gives t...
Extension Attributes run on the client and the "" gets uploaded
to the JSS. SmartGroups are determined by data in the JSS. What does the
plug-in information look like in the JSS? If it correctly gets the
flashplayer version number you may not need th...
The Inventory Collection plug-in setting is not needed because you are
collecting the plug-in information via a bash script independent of
anything else. As long as you are running Extension Attributes you will
get the Flash Plug-in version. Now, why...
spowell01: This wouldn't work for us. Because there isn't an "update
this software to the latest version" feature, we use smart groups that
look at installed software and its version. After we install the
software, we want it to be taken out of the s...
Do these resources apply to JSS version 9.2 and 9.21? Is there
additional documentation on how to leverage the JSS Events API for
running a script on a computer check in?