DEP Enrollment - Error 502

New Contributor III

Hi All,

A bit out of ideas here, but we are since yesterday running into an issue, that during MDM configuration at Setup Assitant, we receive a 502 error stating the MDM server gave an unexpected error. It happened once the other day, now it's 9/10 times when we are enrolling via DEP.

Anyone else seeing this?



Valued Contributor

We've been having the same issue intermittently for a while.
To me it seems like it's related to load on the JSS itself, whenever this occurs the web-interface is usually slow or unavailable as well.
I've been in touch with support (Case# 0679352) and they told me there were seeing some load spikes on our cloud instance.
One reason for this can be smart group calculation.
I have since reduced our smart groups by about 20% with the help of Spruce and it seems to have helped.
Out of curiosity, are you hosted in the Frankfurt region?

New Contributor III

Hi Chris,

Danke für deine Antwort :)

We also have a ticket in (Case #: JAMF-0672215) and was told we had some spikes in regards to smart groups - but I removed all of them that rely on dates and other custom extension attributes, as we were told those were the cuplrits for some reason or another.

Funny enough, we also experience quite a bit of slowness as well in web JSS since this issue has popped up, and are also hosted in the Frankfurt region.

We see this almost every time we go to enroll via DEP for the past week, and my 1st-Level team are at their wits end ha.

Any other information that you might have?


Valued Contributor

Hey there,

Any other information that you might have?

Not really. Another reason might be excessive inventory submission by "rogue" policies.
Support can run a SQL query against your DB to tell which policies might cause too many recons.
To me it seems more like there's something wrong/not optimal with the autoscaling of the cloud-instances,
we didn't make any major changes on our end that would explain these load spikes.
We did renew our DEP tokens shortly before this started happening, but I don't think that's related in any way.

New Contributor III

I am seeing it too, It's happening after erasing and reinstalling the OS, and only on machines that are older previously managed computers, not fresh out of the box computers.

New Contributor III

Seeing the same thing periodically here.

Not every machine, but often enough to cause concern.

I opened Case #: JAMF-0705237 for this.

New Contributor III

Hi all,

for those experiencing issues with this. I contaced Jamf and they implemented a "fix" which seems to have taken care of the issue for us.

Let your support person know that it is a PI, and that you would like to be included in the roll out of this fix! Feel free to reference our ticket for it:


Good luck!

New Contributor III


I was experiencing this issue as well, and have not seen a 502 since they implemented the fix.

I'm still seeing issues with slow deletion and/or the JSS web UI hanging on deletion of a package or computer/device, but perhaps that is an unrelated issue.

New Contributor II
