Deploying MacOS updates to clientes

New Contributor III

Whats the best way to deploy or force that macOS updates get installed on all the macs?

At present I've setup a policy which has the software update payload activated and with a user interaction message allowing the users to defer up 72 hours. This runs on checking once a day.

What I've seen is the interracial message is always displayed when the policy is run, ie once a day. I need to allow users to defer the reboot once the updates have been deployed if needed. Also most users don't reboot every day so this seems the only way I can force them to reboot without affecting their work too much.

Any ideas?


Contributor III

@robbo007 , can you create a smart group that checks for the version number of the OS, for example "Like 10.15.7" or "11.2.3"?
I think this gets you any that need the update vs ones that already have a current version. Any that have the Like version are not added to the policy, unless I am missing something.

New Contributor III

OK thanks. I just thought of something. Will this upgrade MacOS to a superior version? IE if the user is on Mojave will it automatically install Catalina?
I just configured a configuration profile to disable "MacOS updates" which should stop this right? Still seems a bit of a (excuse the pun) patched way of patching MacOS :(