Disk Encryption page blank for an already-encrypted computer

New Contributor II

I have a Mac that's already been encrypted with FileVault (Moving it from AirWatch as the MDM to Jamf), and the Disk Encryption page for this specific computer is blank. The computer's been encrypted according to System Preferences, but Jamf for some reason isn't able to see that information, or any information relating to ecryption for that matter. What can I do to get Jamf to see the FileVault info and escrow the recovery key?

We're running Jamf Cloud if that's important




New Contributor II

I saw the same thing today for a computer. Did it eventually return?

New Contributor II

So, we ran jamf recon and it updated with the correct info.

Contributor III



We have the same issue on several Mac.

As you, we ran jamf recon and it updated with the correct info but after few days the inventory becomes blank again.

And Storage is empty too.

New Contributor II

We have the same problem. jamf recon doesn't help. I've already tried decrypting the macbook and re-encrypting, it didn't do anything new. While it seems that reinstalling the machine looks like a solution

New Contributor II

On our side, the problem was the presence of a second existing partition at the finder level.
By deleting the second partition, the inventory shows the encryption and disk information