Does 10.10.3 fixes the stuck at 50% boot issue

Contributor III

can anyone please confirm if 10.10.3 fixes the stuck at 50% boot issue


Valued Contributor


New Contributor

so far so good!=Yes!

Contributor III

Not in my environment :-(

New Contributor III

I've only experienced this on a Mac Mini with Yosemite binded to the domain.

Seems to have gone away with 10.10.3.

New Contributor III

for the 5 - 6 devices that experienced this issue OS X 10.10.3 seems to have resolved this...

*knock on wood!!!*

New Contributor III

yes :)

Contributor II

@jrippy, can you elaborate? Are you seeing no improvement at all with the 50% boot problem? Or maybe just a little improvement?

New Contributor II

In our experience, yes.

Contributor II

Any ideas the difference between the 10.10.3 update and the 10.10.3 Combo update?

Valued Contributor II

10.10.3 (not Combo) -> Updates 10.10.2

10.10.3 Combo -> Updates 10.10.0, 10.10.1, or 10.10.2. Also useful when troubleshooting (sometimes reinstalling the Combo update fixes system issues by replacing missing or corrupt components without performing a system reinstall).

New Contributor


Contributor III

In a word: no.

Does it happen less often? Certainly. It's just not 100% fixed.

Valued Contributor

I only had 3 systems where this was happening in my lab, and 10.10.3 has resolved those entirely.

Contributor II

@cdev Yikes! I've been holding back Yosemite because of this issue. If 10.10.3 still doesn't fix it, I may still hold it back a bit longer. Anyone else still seeing this problem with 10.10.3?

Contributor III

@jescala Sorry for the delay in replying. I've been away at a conference.
I can confirm I have 37 iMacs that were imaged with 10.10.2, bound to AD, not using AD home folder, not using FileVault 2. They were then upgraded to 10.10.3 via software update on each machine.
They are still experiencing the boot issue. I will say they seem a little more responsive to getting it back via single user mode. There were some 10.10.2 machines I just had to re-image to get back in a working state.

I will be deploying a fresh 10.10.3 image made via the AppStore installer and AutoDMG today to a test group to see if there is any difference in behavior. If not, I'll be hitting up Apple Enterprise Support.

But in short, no, 10.10.3 has not made a difference in this problem for me.
Glad to hear of everyone else's success though.

Contributor III

@RobertHammen good summary. I might try the 10.10.3 combo on a different test group to see if that makes a difference. They just got the 10.10.3 delta via SU.

New Contributor II

On 100% of our macs that were experiencing this issue, this has worked. Prior to this update, the recommendation by chris.hotte on this page

had worked in every case.

Contributor II

I've had a few Mac get stuck on a off white boot loader screen after upgrading to 10.10.3. Using the screen sharing app on another computer I could see a progress bar at 50% and our banner agreement window with an Accept button. Once I remotely click the accept button the computer finished the boot. Any one else seeing this? I wonder if after the 10.10.3 patch verbose mode during the restart will let me see the banner agreement window?

Contributor III

So it's only been a few days but I re-imaged my lab machines on Monday with a clean 10.10.3 image from the AppStore and all appears good! My experience with 10.10.2 upgraded to 10.10.3 was no different but a clean 10.10.3 DOES appear to fix the boot issue. Finally!