2 weeks ago
Contributor II

Joined: December 2011

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Does anyone have suggestions on how to scope a configuration profile by network location?For example; We have a configuration profile to bind to our Active directory and it fails when these devices can not reach the domain controller. Not a great exa...
I was using Patch Managment to install zoom and when this ran on my workstation I received a Popup to allow Jamf access to Installer.We are running JAMF 10.41.0 (cloud instance) and I have had PPPC for JAMF agent for a long time. not sure what has ch...
I have an installer that will prompt the user to accept incoming network connections.However they don't have administrative rights. Allowing this will add this to the application firewall but I can't figure out how to do this (automate) with JAMF.I t...
I've been seeing an error, "Software update timed out after 300 seconds" lately when a device runs an inventory, recon.Any one have an Idea what this is from? In the device inventory I'm not seeing any pending apple software updates or failed MDM com...
I recently discovered that all the Apple Silicon Macs will not drive 2 external monitors.  According to CalDigit (my preferred Mac dock) This is not a limitation of CalDigit’s Thunderbolt or USB-C docks, but of the Thunderbolt 3 ports on the new M1-...