Emails from JAMFNation

Honored Contributor

I subscribe to get all emails from JAMF Nation. I'm noticing this week there have been quite a few posts that I have not gotten emails on. My profile settings haven't changed and look right. Is anyone else experiencing this?



same here..

Valued Contributor

I think JAMF Nation is having issues in general. Can't view my assets or closed cases and discussions are no longer by last response

Honored Contributor

Same here...

Honored Contributor

This discussion is a perfect example. I didn't get ANY of the email responses to this discussion. And they aren't in my spam folder. Not sure if it makes any difference, but I'm on Gmail.

Honored Contributor

I only got the first one from you @bpavlov - no more.

Valued Contributor II

I had this problem myself back in June and pointed it out to my TAM. I got a reply back from Tina Lee that the JAMF Nation Team was working hard to tweak things to make the email digest better and they would report back when they had more information. I never heard anything further. Ultimately I stopped relying on the email digest and just scroll back through and read the messages from JAMF Nation directly.

New Contributor III

I'm having the same issue. I saw another post on JAMF about this. Someone posted that they had the same issue and for them it was due to an auto reply they had setup. The auto reply stopped the emails from rolling through until someone on the JAMF team changed the setting on the back end. I'm not sure if that's the fix for everyone, but haven't heard or seen anything else on this.

Honored Contributor

FWIW, I don't have any auto-reply on my personal email address.

Contributor II

I started seeing the same thing this week

New Contributor III
New Contributor III

Hello to all. Thanks for pointing this out. We believe we have identified the issue on our side and will be deploying the fix later this week. Let us know if you have any issues starting next week.

Thank you!

Honored Contributor

@eleven Thanks for looking into that. There is another issue I noticed as well. Yesterday, I responded to a discussion of mine. However, it doesn't show up anywhere in the Recent topics when I'm in the discussions tab on JAMF Nation. Not sure if that's related or not. The thread in question: which you'll note was commented on 11/18/15 at 4:57PM.

Honored Contributor

Actually this thread is another example of my last post. I just commented on it but yet it's not showing up in the top of the discussion list. At the time of this post, my last comment was made 8 minutes ago. So it would appear that even viewing JAMF Nation directly isn't really reliable at the moment in addition to email not working.


Valued Contributor III
Valued Contributor III

I noticed that my email settings where changed to Never, not sure why (I didn't do that myself).


So now I only get emails when I'm mentioned or an answer is marked, but not general comments. Might be worth checking settings to see if a site update on the backend caused this setting change for folks across the board.

Honored Contributor

My settings haven't changed. But since @eleven responded it sounds like it's a different issue out of our control.


New Contributor III
New Contributor III

Thanks @bpavlov, we will also be implementing a fix for the sorting issue we are seeing here.

@emilykausalik we have yet to see profile settings change here, please let us know if you have this happen again, we'll dig in further.

Thanks everyone.

Valued Contributor II

@eleven do you know specifically when the fix will be implemented that @bpavlov noted from yesterday. This sorting issue is making it very difficult to keep up with threads on the JAMF Nation website.