I'm about to upgrade JSS from 8.73 to 9.21 and have a couple of questions.


I recently upgraded our JSS from 8.64 to 8.73 and everything went without a hitch. It seems that the Java and MySQL requirements are the same.

We're running MySql 5.5.30.

I know I should back up the JSS and the database first.

The questions I have are:
1. How do the clients get upgraded with 9.21? Do I do a inventory check via Recon? That's how I did when going from 8.64 to 8.73.

  1. Are there any "gotchas" that anyone has come across.

Any other advice would be great.



Valued Contributor

When the clients check in next time, they get upgraded to 9.21, there's nothing you have to do. I had some smart groups which did not work after the upgrade because the EAs in the particular groups were removed. Check this out on a test server bevore you upgrade...

Valued Contributor

Having just upgraded yesterday, here is what I've found so far:

1) WebHelpDesk 12.0.1 and its asset syncing is incompatible with JSS 9.21. JAMF significantly changed the table structure in Casper 9 and Solarwinds hasn't yet upgraded their product to be compatible. They claim they're working on it but for now we're playing the waiting game for an update.

2) MySQL 5.6 and higher introduced a new security feature that throws a warning message when you do a mysql dump, so what's happening is that the JSS Database Utility is failing with this error message and the DB is not being successfully backed up every night. I'm still looking for an adequate solution for this and may be contacting JAMF soon for some tech support. Not sure i want to back grade to MySQL 5.5…

3) I saw some squirrelly behavior with clients that tried to run a policy but that had not yet gotten the new 9.21 binaries. The policy would fail claiming that it couldn't communicate with the CasperShare AFP share point, so the policy would fail. But then once they had successfully run their daily inventory update policy (which upgrades the binaries and Self Service to 9.21), the policy would work again…

4) The other big hurdle is that it's just going to take you some time to learn the new interface. It's better in many many ways, but it's different. Some things are in radically different places. Overall, it's a more logical layout and it's good, but give yourself some time. I'm still finding little surprises every time I dig through the interface.

Valued Contributor II

You might consider waiting for 9.22 if you use the JSS to manage Macs. There are some fairly significant bugs related to enrollment after imaging computers, AD binding and Home Directory mounting. If you are just doing iOS management, you might be fine.

Valued Contributor

to answer #2: Edit the my.cnf and put a # in front of the --no-beep. Then the backup will work again...