Posted on 04-25-2016 05:31 AM
Hi all,
There are many discussions about how to install an AppStore app on a Mac Client. All of the discussions I have found involve interaction from the user.
I really want to know if it is possible to push/ automatic install AppStore apps on Mac clients without interaction from the user. We have a lot of users who don't have an Apple ID. And as we have quite a lot of freelancers and temporary workers we mostly have users without an Apple ID and find it not making sense for these users to create an ID.
Any one with insights ?
Solved! Go to Solution.
Posted on 05-09-2016 04:12 AM
Hi all,
Lets give an update on this matter.
I have sorted a few things out.
- The VPP account is assigned to the site "None"
This is important to know because you have to set the site to the same when creating a Mac App Store App. This is the option to have the Assign VPP Content option available!!
- Set Scope to the devices / Leave Specific User set.
The point is that we want to assign the app to 'Devices' and not to users. We have created a smart group which contain the devices and assignment went as planned. When you set the users to all users it will assign the app to all users (and the computers, if selected) This part actually made sense to me :)
So to have a complete process:
1. Purchase the App via the VPP account (online)
2. Wait for the license(s) to be added in Casper
3. Create a 'Mac App Store App'
3a. Set the correct Site (use the same site as the VPP account site)
3b. Set Distribution Method to 'Install automatically'
3c. Set a Scope. Leave Target Users to 'Specific Users'
3d. Select 'Assign VPP Content'
3e. Save! :)
Above settings worked for me. with one side note. When I did create the Mac App Store App and added a computer I noticed that the app was not pushed instantly. But when I do a jamf recon on the client the app gets installed. So either my patience is very low or something in my process is not correct..
Posted on 04-25-2016 05:39 AM
You're looking for device-based assignments I believe. You'll need version 9.82 of the JSS and a VPP account. Once that's setup, you just scope it to the machine under the Mac Store Apps and it should push it automatically.
Posted on 04-25-2016 05:41 AM
Take a look at: VPP-Managed Distribution for Computers
Posted on 04-25-2016 05:48 AM
@PhillyPhoto @dan.snelson Yes that is what I need.
The problem I am facing at this time is I am trying to distribute a Free App (Microsoft Remote Desktop) I have bought this app using our VPP account and it is available in Casper. But I cannot seem to push this app to the devices.
The only way which is working is with interaction of the user as in an invite.
So I must be doing something wrong.
Just scoping the machine isn't working for me.
I am using JSS version 9.91
Posted on 04-25-2016 05:55 AM
@rblaas Is the app's distribution method set to Self Service or Install Automatically?
Also, try scoping the app to a single computer and reviewing Management Actions, filtering for "install."
Posted on 04-25-2016 05:58 AM
I have set it to Install Automatically. I also scoped it to a single computer.
I have recreated the Mac store app.. And I do see (now) the pending installation. but still nothing happens)
With the Management Actions do you mean the Management -> Management Commands ?
Posted on 04-25-2016 06:07 AM
Throwing my 2¢ into this, but I had similar issues with this. One gotcha was that at one point we'd set a config profile that required admin credentials to install software. This was pre-VPP days and it apparently applied to ALL software (including from MAS). After removing that setting, they would install automatically for me.
Posted on 04-25-2016 06:11 AM
Does this apply to your situation? Recently Purchased VPP Content is not Displayed in the JSS
Correct: Computer Record > History > Management Commands > Completed Commands > Filter > install
Posted on 04-25-2016 06:19 AM
@dan.snelson Hi dan,
I did a reboot of the machine and apparently I was just impatient. After reboot I got a small popup saying it was installing .. something.. and when I reach my desktop the app was installed..
Bit strange why the app wasn't installed instantly but then again.. it was time ....
Many thanks for all the input
Posted on 04-25-2016 06:40 AM
@rblaas Glad it's working.
Posted on 04-25-2016 07:35 AM
One quick question.. How long should a push installation take? I am now waiting for over 15 minutes.
(FYI, I am using a new fresh system. Just enrolled and a jamf policy has run once. there has not been a reboot yet)
Edit: I have waited now for 50 minutes. I have done a reboot but still the App Store app is not pushed/installed.
When I take a look at the commerce.log I see some strange messages about DAAP login failed No Primarry Account is present. Maybe this is related?
Edit2: something strange.... When I look at the Mac App Store App I don't see the device assignment
I do see this:
VPP Content
Content not available to assign to computers
What does this mean ?
Posted on 04-25-2016 08:14 AM
I'll defer to @talkingmoose for APNS timing … which frequently seems like voodoo-time to me.
Posted on 04-25-2016 06:56 PM
I am sure you have but did you make sure that "Assign VPP Content" is checked under the VPP Tab? Computers/Mac App Store Apps/install Policy/VPP Tab.
Posted on 04-25-2016 11:40 PM
That's the thing..
I can't ....
Posted on 04-26-2016 12:21 AM
In this case, the app should try to install from user's Apple ID account, asking a user to sign in to the Mac App Store.
Posted on 04-26-2016 02:53 AM
Well I am a bit further.. In stead of assigning the Mac Store app to all computers (of my test site). I have create a smart group which contain only computer from my test site.
When I select Specific Computers, then I have the option back to assign VPP content.
Still, the app is not pushed to the client. But at least the option is back (and selected)
Edit: doing a 'force update' does the trick this time...
Posted on 04-26-2016 05:07 AM
How did you purchase the app? Did you do it from your JSS or did you go through Apple's VPP site? I've seen where if I don't purchase through the VPP site it doesn't show up as "VPP content" on my JSS.
Posted on 05-09-2016 04:12 AM
Hi all,
Lets give an update on this matter.
I have sorted a few things out.
- The VPP account is assigned to the site "None"
This is important to know because you have to set the site to the same when creating a Mac App Store App. This is the option to have the Assign VPP Content option available!!
- Set Scope to the devices / Leave Specific User set.
The point is that we want to assign the app to 'Devices' and not to users. We have created a smart group which contain the devices and assignment went as planned. When you set the users to all users it will assign the app to all users (and the computers, if selected) This part actually made sense to me :)
So to have a complete process:
1. Purchase the App via the VPP account (online)
2. Wait for the license(s) to be added in Casper
3. Create a 'Mac App Store App'
3a. Set the correct Site (use the same site as the VPP account site)
3b. Set Distribution Method to 'Install automatically'
3c. Set a Scope. Leave Target Users to 'Specific Users'
3d. Select 'Assign VPP Content'
3e. Save! :)
Above settings worked for me. with one side note. When I did create the Mac App Store App and added a computer I noticed that the app was not pushed instantly. But when I do a jamf recon on the client the app gets installed. So either my patience is very low or something in my process is not correct..
Posted on 04-09-2018 11:11 AM
@easyedc or anyone, Hope all is well, I have a question regarding your 4/25 post, Ed, in this chain. According to the Casper Techs that I have spoken to, you need to be logged in as a qualified LDAP user to push AppStore apps. Can it be accomplished differently? They say it won't automatically push apps. Which I have sort of verified unless I'm doing something wrong that is. When I do Scope systems they suddenly show a pop-up asking for an admin username and password, is that what you were speaking of? If so where is that setting located and how would someone adjust it? I am currently running 10.2.0-t1518103206. I would love to push AppStore apps without having anyone logged on to them. This gets a bit frustrating at times.
Have a very great day today!
Posted on 04-09-2018 11:25 AM
@skinford Back in the early days of our JSS, to prevent errant software installs, we'd checked this box and pushed it down to everyone. [Config Profiles > Restrictions> Applications > Require admin password to install or update apps]
Unchecking that box resolved our issue and allowed MAS apps to install. We still use Self Service to kick everything off, since all of our approved MAS software is a) free b) open to any user.