Inventory Doesn't update after upgrade to MacOS Catalina

New Contributor II

We have recently started to upgrade our 50+ Mac's to Catalina. We have the process sorted and the Mac's update, but when I look under patch Management for MacOS, they still say the machine is running 10.14.6 but when you go into a specific Machine and look at it's OS it says it is running 10.15.2

How can we get Patch Management to update to show the accurate versions?


Contributor III

You need to update the inventory after the OS changes. A simple bit of code like the one shown, ran at startup would work...

# Get the OS on the Mac
OS_Version=$( sw_vers -productVersion )

# Check if the OS matches our logged one, do a recon if it doesn't.
if [ -f /Library/MacSD/os_version ]; then
    Recorded_Version=$( cat /Library/MacSD/os_version )
    if ! [ ${Recorded_Version} == ${OS_Version} ]; then
        /usr/local/bin/jamf recon
        echo ${OS_Version} > /Library/MacSD/os_version
        echo "This Mac has rebooted but no OS change found. No recon necessary."
    echo ${OS_Version} > /Library/MacSD/os_version

New Contributor II

Thanks for this. I just tried this on a test machine, but got the following error?

Script result: /Library/Application Support/JAMF/tmp/Run Inventory after macOS Upgrade: line 14: /Library/MacSD/os_version: No such file or directory

Do you know what I am doing wrong?

Contributor III

Hi Marcchapman

MacSD is a directory we create to store all of the little scripts and icons we use. So the folder won't exist in your environment. Adding a "mkdir /Library/MacSD" to the script or changing the path for the os_version file would resolve the error.