Posted on ‎10-04-2022 01:00 PM
Testing out the Jamf App Installer User Notification settings configuration profiles with the recommended setting:
Best Practice: Jamf recommends choosing Persistent from the Banner alert type pop-up menu. You may c...
While we would like update notifications only to be Persistent, we found that ALL notifications are Persistent.
eg. Slack messages stayed on the screen, which is not desired.
Can Jamf separate user notifications and just target update notifications?
Posted on ‎12-07-2022 12:41 PM
I see no replies to this. We are having the same trouble. This is not a good user experience.
Posted on ‎03-22-2023 10:02 AM
We're having a similar problem in our instance. By creating these config policies we've overwritten the notifications for the apps themselves.
Posted on ‎03-22-2023 10:14 AM
had this recently.. with Slack.. JAMF sets this to an Alert.. and I made my pilot users very happy 🤣
I questioned this with support and the answer is to remove the JAMF config profiles deployed by Jamf app installer and roll you own. For Slack we already had a config profile... so not a huge issue, but your correct, some apps use notifications as part of the app.. so we should have a more granular control.. like being able to edit the config profile.. a bit more work.. as for some, you need to take the App installer config profile.. rework it and deploy via custom payload..
Posted on ‎03-23-2023 07:36 AM
I concur. This is maddening, and can't believe this feature made it out of internal beta testing. I have users complaining about everything from Slack to Outlook to Adobe Reader. Terrible approach to notifying users about updates. Like why couldn't they have leveraged Self Service notifications for this?
‎03-28-2023 11:38 AM - edited ‎03-28-2023 11:43 AM
Has anyone figured out a way to remove the App Installers - Slack config profile that is deployed via the Mac App record for Slack? Unchecking the box on "Install supporting configuration profiles" has not removed that from users' workstations.
Posted on ‎03-28-2023 11:46 AM
add this schema.. set how desired.. push
"title": "Slack (com.tinyspeck.slackmacgap)",
"description": "Slack settings",
"properties": {
"SlackNoAutoUpdates": {
"type": "boolean",
"title": "Disable Automatic Updates",
"default": false,
"description": "When true, disables Slack's built-in automatic update mechanism. Useful if you update Slack using a tool like Munki.",
"links": [
"rel": "More information",
"href": ""
"property_order": 5
"SlackDefaultSignInWorkspace": {
"type": "string",
"title": "Default Workspace",
"description": "Sets the default workspace for Slack sign-ins.",
"links": [
"rel": "More information",
"href": ""
"property_order": 10
Posted on ‎03-28-2023 11:58 AM
Thanks! This worked to deploy, but didn't remove the "App Installers - Slack" and therefore has still locked the Notification settings for Slack. Any thoughts?
Posted on ‎03-28-2023 12:11 PM
stop the app deploy. check management history on devices. you should see the APP Slack config "pulled". depending on scope size etc.. wait till they are all cleared (you can make a smart group if req) . push config profile to all again. just in case.. that config profile now sets Slack prefs.
Posted on ‎03-28-2023 12:13 PM
Will this uninstall the application too?
Posted on ‎03-28-2023 12:17 PM
no. app stays. just updates are off.
Posted on ‎03-28-2023 12:24 PM
Thank you so much! You're my hero.
Posted on ‎03-28-2023 12:26 PM
beware the config profiles deployed by 'Jamf Mac Apps' some are ok.. others not so.. test.. scope small.. check.. review..
Posted on ‎03-28-2023 12:27 PM
Certainly learned that the hard way now. smh 🤦‍♂️
Posted on ‎06-13-2023 07:12 PM
We have made significant changes to the end user notifications behaviour in the last month as well as providing some additional controls in Jamf Pro 10.47. We cover some of these changes in this article and this blog post
Posted on ‎07-03-2023 08:56 AM
Hey @JustinC , I've just set up a new App Installer to handle Zoom updates. The notification is working, but it's presenting as a Banner instead of an Alert, so it doesn't stay on screen. I feel my users will miss the notification if it just appears briefly and then goes away. How can I fix this? Here is what I'm seeing in the GUI for Self Service notifications:
Posted on ‎07-13-2023 08:50 AM
@JefferyAnderson , your screenshot shows that your setting is correct. Notifications for Self Service are set to Alerts and they don't go away. After recent update, which was mentioned in this article, all update notifications are sent with Self Service BundleID. So they use Self Service settings for notifications and are separated from the notification settings for particular application. You can have notifications for Zoom set to Banners or even None but your users will still see persistent notifications about app update (thanks to Alert notifications for Self Service).
Posted on ‎07-03-2023 11:28 AM
Doing some more testing. I've found that if I select "Allow notifications when mirroring or sharing the display", then the Alert will remain persistent in the top-right corner. How can I make this work without having that setting enabled?
Posted on ‎07-03-2023 12:18 PM
I figured out my issue. Bomgar had a setting that was sending an image of the screen to the Representative Console. Once I changed this setting on my Bomgar server, things started acting normal.