JDS not deploying DMG files via casper imaging

Valued Contributor II

When I use casper imaging and select a JDS server. It runs through the workflow but when it reboots, I just get the flashing folder with a ?. I've tried multiple known-working OS dmg files, all do the same thing. It looks as if only the pkg files are running.
I can use the same files on the regular AFP share and the machine reboots and is imaged as expected.


New Contributor

I've been working on this for the past few days as well. I have noticed the same behavior as you describe; imaging an existing configuration via an AFP share works, imaging the same existing configuration via a JDS instance does not work.

An exception to the above is that Target Disk Mode Imaging does work when pulling from a JDS. Our NetBoot environment fails, but using Target Disk Mode Imaging succeeds. Can you test this in your environment, @jwojda?

Lastly, I've noticed that immediately after imaging, the /private/var/logs/jamf.log has entries that read:

Tue Nov 26 10:29:08 NetBoot001 jamf[1203]: Mounted file server 
Tue Nov 26 10:29:11 NetBoot001 jamf[1294]: 
There was an error.

     Could not find an existing configuration to modify

Tue Nov 26 10:29:12 NetBoot001 jamf[1298]: The SSL certificate for https://JSS:8443/ does not need to be trusted.

I do not save imaging values for machines, which is what I would assume this logs refers to.

I have been experimenting with the following:
- Casper Imaging 9.21
- NetBoot Environments:
[ul]- OS X 10.9 (Build 13A3017)
- OS X 10.8.5 (Build 12F45)

[li]Base OS Images:
- OS X 10.9 (Build 13A3017)
- OS X 10.9 (Build 13A603)
- OS X 10.8.4 (Build 12E3067)


Valued Contributor II

I had just tried the target boot, and sure enough, it worked fine. I passed this information back to jamf support on a ticket as well.

Valued Contributor II

as an FYI - there's a defect keyed for this - D-005796


@jwojda I believe this defect still exists. Am I right?

Valued Contributor II


D-005796 is still open, correct.

If your JDS is running on a Mac, we can use this KB as a workaround: https://jamfnation.jamfsoftware.com/article.html?id=369

It looks as though you've commented on that KB already and, as far as I can find, we don't have a version of that script for Linux environments.

The defect itself is listed as a Planned For Release disposition, so hopefully we'll see a fix for it soon.

Amanda Wulff
JAMF Software Support

New Contributor III

Any update on this for a linux based JDS?

Valued Contributor II


D-005796 is still listed as open, and being worked on.

There is currently no workaround for a linux based JDS and, until D-005796, we will be unable to use Netboot for imaging if our primary distribution point is a linux based JDS. We will need to either use an AFP or SMB share as the primary distribution point, or we will need to use a different method of imaging.

If you'd like to open up a case with your Technical Account Manager to have it attached to D-005796 or to discuss other options in more environment specific detail, please feel free to reach out to them directly, by calling the General Support line, by sending an e-mail to support@jamfsoftware.com, or by using the My Support section of JAMF Nation.


Amanda Wulff
JAMF Software Support

New Contributor III

Any news on this?

Valued Contributor

@Leal There's this:


New Contributor III

I followed the instructions but it doesn't say if there are any additional configuration that needs to made on the JSS.