JNUC 2015 Session videos are available

New Contributor III
New Contributor III

Valued Contributor

Now clearing my calendar to watch video's for a few days!

(sorry boss, remember i wasn't permitted to travel to JNUC this year)

Contributor III

Why were none of the Q&A's included in the videos? In many of the sessions I attended, the Q&A's were some of the most revealing portions of the sessions.

Contributor III
Why were none of the Q&A's included in the videos? In many of the sessions I attended, the Q&A's were some of the most revealing portions of the sessions.


Valued Contributor III

@Tad Thanks for posting them so quick !!!! : )

Valued Contributor

Wow, the IBM presentation was shockingly quick...

Ah... that was only highlights.

New Contributor

Anyone here have insight into the custom version of Apples Migration assistant IBM spoke briefly about?

Valued Contributor

In addition to that...
I'd love to get some insider info on their post-enrollment configuration screen. It's like a verbose jamfhelper... I want it. Bad.

Of course IBM is unlikely to share.

Valued Contributor III


Jamf Nation built their own....


Valued Contributor III

We're not just missing the Q+A's, some presentations (but especially @bentoms ) have been cut short.

Valued Contributor


JAMF Nation, making all my dreams come true.


New Contributor

@woodmember If I remember correctly from the Q&A, they have apps that store data in non-standard locations, so they're running a preflight script that moves the data to a location that's Migration Assistant friendly, then that script triggers MA to run after the data is in its temp location. After the migration takes place, Migration Assistant exits and the postflight script moves the data back to the non-standard location. Migration Assistant isn't customized, per se, they're just running a custom process that includes Migration Assistant.

New Contributor II

@Bauer is exactly right. I remember this from the Q&A.

For IBM, as I understand it, they were able to go into a bit more depth because the cameras weren't on. So that's one reason there wasn't filming going on for that.

New Contributor III
New Contributor III

Feedback received: Let's bring back the Q&A!

We will release updated videos that include the Q&A soon. (For a few sessions, we had a recording issue and weren't able to capture Q&A, but you can see the Q&A for most of them.)

I'll post back to this thread when the videos are updated. Thanks to @georgecm12 @kitzy @franton and others for sharing your feedback.

Valued Contributor II

@Tad thanks for changing your mind on this. The Q&A is a valuable part of the session.

Release Candidate Programs Tester

Thanks @Tad

And many thanks to Mia & Laura @ JAMF for adding the "Thank You's" section to the video of my talk. “Let’s Talk About Certificates”

New Contributor III
New Contributor III

The JNUC 2015 videos are updated with Q&A. Check them out here: http://www.jamfsoftware.com/resources/all/jamf-nation-user-conference-2015/

Contributor III

Awesome, Tad! Thank you, and pass our thanks along if there is anyone else involved with the editing and posting of the videos!