JSS Email Notifications for LDAP groups

New Contributor II

Hi all.

We have set our JSS up to authenticate against our Active Directory, and use LDAP groups to authorise users' access to the Casper tools/ JSS, rather than individually adding each administrator as an LDAP user.

For the most part, this seems to work as expected - with the exception of email notifications. Whilst a user can configure the notifications they wish to receive in the normal manner - the notifications never arrive (tested using Restricted Software record). An SMTP server is correctly configured and tested (e.g., with Enrollment Invitations).

After some experimentation, I found that I could receive email notifications if I added an LDAP user account for myself using the default information mapped from the directory - but this seems to defeat the purpose of using the LDAP groups.

Has anyone successfully used email notifications with LDAP groups alone - am I missing something obvious?

Thanks in advance for your thoughts on this.

Jason Musgrove
IT Serivces, University of Wolverhampton


New Contributor

I have no solution for you, but I am experiencing this very same issue. I just switched to LDAP groups I had been adding our admin staff in as LDAP users individually. I stopped getting any emails from Casper until I added myself back as an LDAP user. You are right, this seems to defeat the purpose of groups. Clearly a bug that JAMF needs to address.

Honored Contributor II
Honored Contributor II

Hi, I'm pretty sure that's how it works at the moment. There is an open feature request to add this functionality (https://jamfnation.jamfsoftware.com/featureRequest.html?id=915) but the JSS doesn't currently support email notifications for LDAP groups.

New Contributor

Thanks. Good to know. The JSS is clearly reading that the mail attribute is present in the AD account when added through a group...the "Email Notifications" link shows up on the pull down menu when logged on with an AD account that has a mail attribute, and it doesn't when logged on with an account that doesn't have a mail attribute in AD. Why does it even let a person set these if it is not supported? Poor design! Frankly, it is downright laughable that this doesn't work and has to be considered a "feature request."


My work around is to create a local JSS user account and put in the email or mailing list.

New Contributor

@qsodji what privilege do you setup up on the account