Microsoft OneDrive 17.3.6389.0415 (guessing setup is less of a PITA?)

Esteemed Contributor III

Just a guess, do we bother with settings for OneDrive now with the new update that was just released? I looked around and didn't see any posts on it, so figured I'd start a thread incase anyone revisited OneDrive settings since this update was released...

This version includes: - Simplified setup with the Email discovery service so there is no need to setup the defaults

Esteemed Contributor III

FWIW, this is what I see after first launch, traced back to /Users/username/Library/Containers/ in /Library/Preferences/ or /Users/username/Library/Preferences/.

$ defaults read
    HideDockIcon = 1;
    HockeySDKAutomaticallySendCrashReports = 0;
    HockeySDKCrashReportActivated = 1;

Honored Contributor II

We revisited OneDrive with this latest update. Setup was loads easier, but generally the product still didn't live up to expectations. Lots of errors on paths that are too long (that work fine in Dropbox/, lots of filename errors with characters that are accepted with competitors products and no ability to locally sync shared folders on other users Macs.

Compared to previous versions, it is a big improvement though IMHO.

Contributor II


How are any of you "pushing" / installing OneDrive. It is App Store only, and does not look like it is VPP "Device Assignable" enabled yet.

Basically, avoiding once and for all, the whole the Apple ID name / password (dog and pony show)!

thx, john

Valued Contributor

@johnklimeck When I was in an environment that couldn't use VPP I used Rich's method to capture the installer:

This method was very solid for me, it wasn't tied to an AppleID so no prompts, but you have to push out updates. If possible I'd use VPP. MS has indicated in Slack they are working on a non-App Store version of the idea on timeline for that though.

Contributor II

Just tried this, and not sure this is purposely done now by Apple's App Store, but you cannot "Pause", the download happens to fast, no chance to hit Pause.

Valued Contributor

Hey @johnklimeck

I use this great tool called "AppStoreExtract". Its whole purpose is to extract and package MAS stuff automatically. It takes the .pkg, wraps it in a .DMG and stores in /Users/Shared. From there you can open the .DMG and upload the .pkgs directly to Casper Admin. It's an amazing tool and I highly recommend it!


Guide for beginners:

Esteemed Contributor III

For sure VPP is the way to go if/when you have it in place. But if you don't, you can still download the App Store app using your company Apple ID, wrap/deploy, so it is tied to the account.

The problem with capturing App Store packages is it breaks the "Update App Store Apps" function in JSS.




Didn't realize OneDrive wasn't device assignable. I've reached out to Jonathan Leung on Slack to address this. He's a Program Manager for OneDrive at Microsoft.

I agree with @Josh.Smith and @donmontalvo: Use Apple's Volume Purchase Program (VPP) where possible. Yes, sometimes we can't, but it is Apple's only supported solution for silently deploying apps from the Mac App Store. Even if you choose not to use Apple's Device Enrollment Program (DEP), you can still sign up for VPP.

Contributor II


Greatly appreciated gentleman, john

Contributor III

Where is it stated that OneDrive is not device assignable? I'm looking at the entry via vpp and it certainly states "Device-Assignable". Of course I've not tested it so I'm curious where this is coming from.


I asked someone in Slack to verify and OneDrive is definitely device-assignable.

Contributor II

@talkingmoose Unfortunately, in my environment we can't use device-based assignments on Mac App Store apps because it only works with OS X El Capitan. All my Macs are still on Yosemite (except retina iMacs that required El Cap). Even though all our software would work fine on El Cap, we just don't have a compelling enough reason to upgrade everyone to it. No, device-based assignments is not compelling enough.


@itupshot, I get you're not able to take advantage of device-assignable apps, but it's still device-assignable. That's the only thing I wanted to correct about the earlier comment. ;-)

If you've got access to the MacAdmins team on Slack, you may want to reach out to Jonathan Leung with Microsoft in the #onedrive channel. He's a program manager for that product. If you have no compelling reason to upgrade to OS X 10.11 or later, you may want to ask about the possibility of a standalone installer in the future. And if it'll be compatible with anything earlier than 10.11.