Moving to a new email domain Apple Mail

New Contributor II

I need to remove all of our users old users smtp settings in apple mail. Don't want to do a full factory clean due to they might have mail they want to keep. All that I'm looking for is for them not to be able to use the old smtp domain in apple mail with out fudging up there other mail accounts..


Release Candidate Programs Tester

@guzmanhm how were the "old" settings deployed?

New Contributor II

Not via policy if that is what your asking most of our users have hand setup there apple mail with the settings that we have given them Pre Casper :)

Honored Contributor II

Not sure which plist / key its in, although something like fseventer would help you find it.

In Mail, I'm pretty sure the email address will still be available as a "from" address as the SMTP servers aren't necessarily related to the IMAP / POP accounts. We've done something similar before and lots of users reported SMTP errors as they were still trying to send from the wrong accounts.

New Contributor II

Well that would work but some of my users use iCloud sync changing plist and accounts in there makes things complicated. So Maybe if anyone knows how to stop all smtp traffic that might help just so we can get over this hump.